If you don’t start every shoot in a field with a mandatory 30-second-bug-wave-away… do you even live in the midwest?
If you don’t stick your tongue out at your little brother on a regular basis are you even a big sister?
If you don’t use your long legs to leap over your parents and interrupt their photo… what’s the use in having long legs?
If you don’t try to push your brother over at least once a day… are you even related?
And if you don’t say yes to every suggestion I throw at you about wandering around in fields and snuggling on blankets in random grassy areas… are you even my sister and her family who I’ve been photographing for over ten years?
But seriously though… my first photo shoot with my sister was when her firstborn was a month old. So we’ve been doing this a long time. ;) Thanks so much for being my guinea pigs year after year, and allowing me to force you into all sorts of fun scenarios that you can’t say no to because I’m your sister! :P Love you guys!!